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Publications iconKansas Register

Volume 40 - Issue 7 - February 18, 2021

State of Kansas

Housing Resources Corporation

Notice of Annual Performance Report
on the Kansas Consolidated Plan

The Kansas Housing Resources Corporation will publish a preliminary draft of the Annual Performance Report on the Kansas Consolidated Plan for community and housing development for program year 2020. The Annual Performance Report on the 2020 Kansas Consolidated Plan will be available for public review and comment March 4 through March 19, 2021. The Annual Performance Report will be available online at beginning March 4, 2021. Limited hard copies of the Annual Performance Report are available through the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation, 611 S. Kansas Ave., Suite 300, Topeka, KS 66603; phone 785-217-2001; fax 785-232-8073; email

Ryan Vincent
Executive Director

Doc. No. 048866